
System & SW Engineering

Beyond Software Construction

System & SW Engineering

System & SW Requirements Management and Development
Requirements Reuse
Standardizing common requirements frequently used for system and software can contribute to maintaining/improving requirement specification quality. Standardized requirements ae cornerstones of subsequent product line engineering. In addition, traceability management between requirements and components implemented in a platform is required for maximizing software reuse in derivative products.
SOLUTIONLINK can ensure the robustness of product development specification early by integrating and unifying requirements from diverse channels through improvement of processes in a way to clarify role, responsibilities, and procedures of relevant teams, and providing specific requirement development techniques such as decision tree, goal analysis, use case, SCR (Software Cost Reduction), and the like. In addition, SOLUTIONLINK assures continuous refinement of platforms and core assets through intuitive reuse at requirement level.
System & S/W Architecture Design
Architecturing and Methodology
Characteristics of recent system and software development projects rest in ensuring platform-enabled rapid delivery of diverse products and services. To ensure platform-enabled development of various services, not only API (Application Programming Interface) should be designed well but also dependence on device should be minimized through abstraction in a bid to support various derivative products. In addition, platforms not supported by systematic software engineering technology-enabled architecturing will have difficulties with evolution.
SOLUTIONLINK offers systematic platform architecture analysis/design and verification methodology based on professional architecturing capabilities, developing the first SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)-based Java application framework for the first-tier financial service industry in Korea. SOLUTINLINK ensures the delivery of optimum platform architecture by defining variable requirements of platform through analysis of variability and commonality of applicable products and system domains, designing architectures while drawing on architectural mechanism designing experiences with focus on such quality attributes as performance, availability, maintainability, and the like, and verifying architectures with such architecture verification methods as ATAM (Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method).
System & S/W Implementation
Pragmatic Implementation
As most developers are not used to implementing in compliance with design work products and development standards (Ex.: MISRA-C Coding Rule), not only development productivity is low but also significant number of errors are contained in implemented source codes. Hence, in most platform development or standard specification-enabled development, it is necessary to offer reference architecture and reference implementation in a bid to guide practical implementation.
SOLUTIONLINK offers reference implementations based on platform development experiences in various domains and understanding of development standards requiring mandatory compliance then in a bid to facilitate implementation by developers. Reference implementations are intended to bolster up quality and productivity by containing test environment, build environment, collaboration environment, and the like.
System & SW testing
Test Driven Development
Many software organizations are not convinced of final software quality. Many quality activities, including audit, review, inspection, testing, and the like, are conducted, yet errors of similar types break out repeatedly and difficulties arise as to how much testing should be done and whether tests are done right or not.
SOLUTIONLINK radically improves the quality of system and software by seamlessly linking test processes, techniques and tools, and capabilities of persons in charge and building up integrated quality system engaging test engineers from early stages of project. In so doing, test capabilities aligned to the characteristics of software development in an organization are secured to allow for continuous improvement of errors.
Integrated Development Environment Implementation
Development Architecture
To proceed into development with an architecture designed on the basis of requirements identified in business process and product requirements definition, not only a development team possessing required skills should be put together but also development processes, development work products, development guides (pertaining to environment setup, use of tools, and the like), and the like should be defined in advance.
SOLUTIONLINK provides optimum definitions of not only such elements constituting development environment in general as OS, compiler, DB, device, and the like but also management environment concerning platform integration, build, deployment, and the like with automation environment as required in a bid to provide efficient environment required for developing system and software sharing the same architecture.